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Our address: 11 Hopper Street - Mt Cook - Wellington

Hopper Shop has Closed

It is with great difficulty we bring you the news that we

closed our doors on Sunday 7th July 2024

Despite improved sales over the years, we were not able

to stay open.

Hopper Shop would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all

staff who have worked so hard; to suppliers, and to the customers

who have supported us through the years. Together we have

challenged packaging and consumerism daily.

We are deeply grateful for your support

While this is sad news, we are full of hope for what else can

happen in the shop space - now with a welcoming garden outside.

We are open to all your suggestions for future uses in the space.

We have limited Christmas crackers for sale in 2024. please write to for your queries

Individuals crackers or boxes of 6 are for sale.

Stock is from 2023, with one or two new items.

Smoothie Bike for hire

Smoothie bike.jpg

We try our best to be